Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Perfection Perception

I received a mix tape (no, not really a tape, hello!) from my friend, Lisa, before Boo was born.  It's filled with  lovely Boo-type music like "Beautiful Boy", "Blackbird", and "Baby Mine".  It's pretty awesome and definitely tear-jerking for a Mama-To-Be.

One song was a bit more rock if you will:  "F*ckin' Perfect" by Pink.  Usually, I try not to refer to my child and the f-bomb in the same sentence.  Usually.  Sometimes I slip and drop a "Wow!  That was f*ckin' awesome, dude!" I know.  I'm trying to curb it.

Anyway, before Boo was born and actually, for quite awhile after that, I always listened to this song as a little tribute to the awesomeness of my kid.  You know, don't worry, Boo, no matter what, you'll always be perfect to me.  Sometimes it could even trigger a tear or two thinking about the time that's bound to come when he's not feeling good about himself.

And then while driving to work one day while beating myself particularly hard about being a working mother, it hit me. This song isn't dedicated to the babies out there.  Nope, this one is for the Moms.  Working Moms,  Stay-At-Home Moms, Moms-To-Be, all of us who are busting our asses, doing our best, trying to make all of the pieces fit together without losing it on a daily basis.  We can and should look at each other and remind ourselves we are f*ckin' perfect - even when we really don't feel that way at all.

So hey there Mommies - way to go!  You're doing an amazing job!  You're fantastic & wonderful & honest-to-goodness incredible.  How in the world do you do what you do every single day?

You do it because you are fucking perfect.  

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